Dziś parę słów o Trattoria Adamo. Po Villa Toscana, nadal zostajemy we włoskim klimacie – przynamniej jeśli chodzi o brzmienie nazwy
Jest to jedna z naszych stałych miejscówek już od kilku lat. Po przeprowadzce do Zakopanego, szukaliśmy miejsc niekoniecznie góralskich tzn. przede wszystkim z kuchnią inną niż typowa góralska i tak, za namową zaprzyjaźnionych miejscowych, trafiliśmy do Trattoria Adamo. Dokładny adres to Plac Niepodległości 1 (bliskie okolice Krupówek ) – przez podobieństwo nazw nie mylić z Adamo z ul. Nowotarskiej!
Miejsce godne uwagi zarówno na kolację we dwoje jak i posiadówę w większym gronie. Układ sali daje spore możliwości – dużo zakamarów, małe stoliki i długie ławy, dodatkowo antresola z możliwością ulokowania wieloosobowej grupy.
Lokalizacyjnie restauracja idealna – boczna uliczka od głównego zakopiańskiego szlaku czyli Krupówek. Na tyle z boku , że siedząc w zewnętrznym ogródku nie poczujemy zapachu grillowanych oscypków, a nawet nie usłyszymy góralskiego disco polo, wydobywającego się z głośników krupówkowych knajp. Naszym zdaniem to poważne atuty :)
Co do samego jedzenia, bo jednak ten aspekt wydaje się najbardziej interesujący, to z pewnością nie jest to miejsce odpowiednie na ucztę w góralskim stylu. Nie znajdziecie w karcie tego rodzaju pozycji. Nie ma tu oscypków w żadnej postaci, nie ma baranich kiełbasek ani placka po zbójnicku. Są za to pyszne zupy kremy, makarony, pizze, ryby i różne rodzaje mięs. Przepyszne lemoniady latem, winne grzańce zimą i zawsze bardzo dobra kawa.

Fajnym rozwiązaniem jest też karta dedykowana maluchom, w której znajdziemy pomniejszone wersje kilku dań.
Skoro już przy maluchach jesteśmy, warto wspomnieć, że Trattoria Adamo oferuje swoim namłodszym gościom naprawdę pokaźny plac zabaw. Co jest w nim najlepsze?? To, że zawsze spotyka się tam masę dzieci. Dzięki temu dzieciaki zajmują się sobą i wspólną zabawą, a rodzice w tym czasie mają okazję w spokoju zjeść, a nawet zamienić pare słów. Dodatkowym atutem kącika dla dzieci w Adamo jest to, że został wciśnięty pod schody Mam na myśli to, że rozkrzyczana ferajna małoletnich raczej nie powoduje drgawek u bezdzietnych klientów. Jedni i drudzy mogą sobie zupełnie nie przeszkadzać. Nie zdarza się również, żeby obsługa patrzyła krzywym okiem na wbiegające pod ich nogi dzieci… Zadziwiało mnie wielokrotnie jak spokojni i wyrozumiali potrafią być tutejsi kelnerzy

Niektórych z Was interesować mogą też ceny, Według nas są jak najbardziej ok. Zdecydowanie adekwatne do tego co dostajemy na talerzu. Zupy w cenach od 7 do 12zł, dania główne w granicach 29-55zł (w cenie zawarte są już 2 rodzaje dodatków do mięs).
Poza tymi wszystkimi zaletami jest jeszcze jedna – letni ogródek. Stoły rozstawione wzdłuż restauracji, z widokiem na zrewitalizowany niedawno Plac Niepodległości z miejską fontanną, uruchamianą w upalne dni. Wszystko to z dala od ruchliwych ulic i chińskiej tandety, oblewającej Krupówki.
Nasza ocena 9/10!
253 comments on “Trattoria Adamo, czerwiec 2016. Ocena 9/10.”
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I could read a book about this without finding such real-world aprseachop!
This is the same old cliche the neocons have been using for years except there’s a twist in it. It used to be that Europe would die a demographic death while America, still relatively young because of its third world imports, would have a competitive advantage against the rest of the world. It doesn’t look that way. It appears to me we are in the beginnings of a national collapse while Europe, with its eight percent nonwhite population is more stable.
I hardly ever use highlighters, maybe I should start. I've got a really nice little one made by OPI which I've never seen anywhere. It was probably a limited edition thing, which is a shame as it's fab.
This site is like a classroom, except I don’t hate it. lol
I’ll try to put this to good use immediately.
. I agreed with the previous poster that a Yucca delay COULD put a huge damper on future nuclear prospects. I agree that LWRs are better than coal. But if we really want to replace coal, we’re not going to do it with LWRs–we simply can’t build them fast enough and the capital costs are too high. 20 years or not on the thorium reactors, we need to get started now.
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I found myself nodding my noggin all the way thhurgo.
I have a problem in thinking around sustainable food in this community. The image you posted shows people in an urban setting strolling and relaxing at outdoor cafes. Do these people provide their own food locally? or is food (fair trade or not, organic or not) shipped in from far-away places? This is an ideal of a place where people who consume, but not necessarily provide directly for their own consumption, live. That by itself is not sustainable, no matter how much creative and inventive use of technology is used to produce such a utopia. G
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Moi aussi, je suis là ! Posé ma matinée pour ce classico…Merci Quentin pour cette présentation. Très bon titre . 1/2 concernant les pronos des filles. Well done!
The problem is that Nixon was the fertilizer for the cesspot that was the Reagan Administration and Reagan’s people (a lot of them) cut their teeth within Nixon’s reign, as Deux cents imparts. It was thus Reagan in turn who birthed this current crop. I therefore say that we need to send a Terminator back in time and kill Nixon (stealthily) sometime in October 1963, before JFK…or after the 1964 election if we have to sacrifice JFK…
Okay, firstly, your knives are none too sharp if you’re spraying turkey fat while you’re carving. Also, wear that “leather” Jaime Gumb number and you won’t have to worry about your paper white shirt.
Yeah, i quite agree with you lah…even we are diffrent races and culture, but we are annoyed when people misused the word "no Offence", it seem like perli lah kot.
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Hahhahaa. I’m not too bright today. Great post!
Keepin it real man and I love it. Nice job on the video, the demonstrations and the explanations. Lots of people in America think because this girl is on television that she knows the deal. One word; NOPE. The dudes on the inside of the irongame know what’s going on.
Ahà estamos, Chus. Este año crees que aún nos vale la de juveniles? Te veo muy bien para Chiva, a ver si puedo aguantar la rueda allÃ
Salut Pat, merci merci. En effet on a bien bossé sur l’auto avec Franck. Ca y est on a trouvé un bon setup. Encore et toujours de la mise au point pour fignoler, mais là ça marche ! Je suis très heureux d’avoir la chance d’avoir une telle auto. Merci pour ton commentaire.
Terenzio: condivido le tue osservazioni, la prima delle quali ha certamente ricadute anche nel capitolo "sicurezza" ma che comunque rientrano a mio avviso più nel discorso "usabilità " – ripeto, ciò non toglie che siano assolutamente condivisibiliAxel: ho capito che alla fine sei solo una delle tante vittime della potenza del marketing apple. tra un po' ci dirai che il baco guest è una feature; peraltro sicuramente innovativo perchè non s'è mai visto niente del genere su qualsiasi os mai esistito.
Oh no! I know what living on a tight budget is like. Look up “the dirty dozen” and “the clean fifteen”. There’s lots of fruits and veggies that you can eat that are non-organic, but still safe because they’re not covered with pesticides. I can’t even eat an all-organic diet all the time. I just do what I can, drink lots of water, and move around a lot. Sorry to hear you’ve been sick xo
Hui!Tämähän on jo kovan tason debatti. (niin tai miten sen nyt ottaa, onko tuossa ylipäätänsä oikeasti debatoimista)Melkein ihan hengästyttää, vaikka itse olenkin tottunut jo vastailemaan tällaisille melko pitkulaisia vastauksia.Sama aihealue tietysti.Minulla ei ole aikomustakaan toivottaa tsemppiä. Jokainen päätelköön itse miksi.
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woow flower tingen er flot!!!! :)Og sikke en lækker gave du fik af Christian!!! Selvom jeg godt ved hvad du helst ville have, af strik eller ham hjemme :)
Now we know who the sensible one is here. Great post!
cathie dit :tout pareil pour moi (les draps, pas les chaussons) tu n’avais qu’à rester chez toi repasser en regardant téléachat. Non mais! C’est vrai, les korrigans n’avaient qu’à rentrer seuls de l’école, après tout !!
Sigh. Seems like all I do lately is pray that there will be peace and stability everywhere. I can only hope that one day, all of our prayers will be answered.
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Keep it coming, wreitrs, this is good stuff.
A Mama that Lurves Drama! I used to have one of those. My new M-I-L is just Gossip queen. We try not to tell her anything that we don't want the entire city of Pittsburgh know. So Glad Husband is OK. That's a scary experience.
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Dear Jane,Schlemmer was especially good at portrait painting. His portraits really capture the essence of the subject. How lucky you are to have such a piece. I have one I keep here in my office, just because it is such a delight to see each day.Beth
An answer from an expert! Thanks for contributing.
I think it is encumbent on immigrants to another country that they learn the language of that country, out of respect for its natives if nothing else. I am glad the UK has laws now where a certain level of English is required; however, there are ways of immigrants skirting the issue. I am hoping to work in Germany for a year or two in the near future and am busy learning German. I can't think of much else more embarrassing than arriving in someone else's country and having to expect them to speak English.
Keep these articles coming as they’ve opened many new doors for me.
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Oh, man, Mrs. Spit. I’m just getting caught up from the weekend and – while I know that you put your big girl panties on prior to hitting “publish” – I’m sorry you had to face such hatred. It just boggles the mind. Thank you again for your original post and for articulating your thoughts on such a passionate issue in such a clear and well-reasoned way.
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Susan, I just love reading your blog. I don't get the idea you are anti natural, not with all the extracts and such that you use. I have such respect for all the ingredients you provide information for (specially after getting a shampoo bar in the latest Patchouli Swap). There is something for everyone, thank goodness. I always tell people what is in my products and why. I cringe when I hear about all natural lotions with nothing in them to fight the nasties!Thanks again for posting all your research!Michelle in NV
An organized approach to cyber security and securing the government networks and computers is a good thing. But as with most of the laws that sound good on paper, this law is going to be used for further repression of the Armenian citizens.
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Real brain power on display. Thanks for that answer!
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In the early ’90s when Photoshop was launched this “trick” was rife. Shoot full DOF of 4 girls. Apply diffuse mask layer to each. Click on any girl (layer) to remove the mask and presto we have a sharp area.Surely not!
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Actually, if you look at the root of the word “inspire” it means that something was breathed into them. Divinely inspired is simply an infusion of the divine and with the authors of the Bible, this inspiration also included the charge to write and not merely experience the feeling of “divine-ness.” Writers were not paid until there was a publishing industry that developed around the time of the Guttenberg Press in the … 1400s? 1500s?Careful about poking fun a the Bible! The Divine can just as easily asphyxiate you as inspire you.
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SUGGESTIONS:If PSSI gave enough salary for those players (OR: If PSSI gave those players enough salary), it WOULD BE no problem. I just don’t like THE leader of PSSI. I hope he’LL GET fired today.
Chris Breezy no….. cuz he's already mane a BRAND name for himself. Nicki Minaj hell yeah cuz she's hot rite now but maybe it would have been cool if her album came out the same time. Gay Songz hell naw.
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A mÃ, la polenta me gusta más gratinada en el grill, aunque no es lo que los italianos harÃan… pero asà la encuentro más crocante.El ganso tiene aspecto de deshacerse en la boca.Es fantástica la combinación.Suerte en el concurso!
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Real brain power on display. Thanks for that answer!
No hate for the school, nor the program. Just no respect for the coach. Have written many times about the NBA age requirement being the problem. One thing I hope college students understand is that college has very little to do with preparing kids for a career. It is a tool to get people ready to live their lives. It’s not about money; it’s about education. Educated people often times make money, but it’s not because of the lessons learned in a classroom.
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Pela lógica e por direito, o apologista da “devoção” de “N. sra. do Crack” pode ser eleito Papa no próximo Conclave. Como a Igreja é instituição divina, confiamos que isso não irá ocorrer.
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